Criteria for Social Innovation
SozialMarie is a prize for successfully implemented socially innovative projects. The evaluation of submitted projects is based on the SozialMarie Criteria for Social Innovation:
Innovation in the project idea – Novelty: in the matter or at the place
- Does the project deal with new societal challenges?
- Does the project use new social solutions?
- Does the project deal with target groups or topics that have so far received little attention?
- Is the project owner (the organisation, the company, the public authority, the private individual) newly involved in the field of social innovation?
Innovation in accessing target groups – Involvement: passive, active or independent
- Is the target group involved in the project, or have those affected developed the project themselves?
- What are the concrete and sustainable benefits of the project for the target group?
- Does the project promote the potential of the target group?
- Does the project contribute to the social appreciation of the target group?
Innovation in implementation – Impact: quantitative, qualitative
- Is the implementation of the project idea imaginative, creative, inventive and courageous?
- How effective is social innovation, what results and impacts can be observed for whom?
- Does the project react to changing requirements, for example in the target group, the problem, the framework conditions?
- Is there cooperation between different (professional) groups with diverse competences or scientific expertise?
Innovation in public perception – Example effect: direct or indirect
- Is the project networked with other organizations, companies, institutions?
- How is the project integrated into local and regional environments?
- Are other organisations, companies, sponsors, supporters, media and politicians curious about the project?
- Can the proven solution be transferred to other contexts?