Lastnik projekta: Geriatriezentrum Donaustadt Wien

Odgovorna oseba: DGKS Silvia Haupt


1,000 Euro Prize


Javna uprava

What is it about?
Structures resembling hospitals and the associated interior decoration on Ward 62 of the Donaustadt geriatric centre of the Vienna Hospital Association have been turned upside-down since the end of 2007: the daily routine, work organisation and spatial infrastructure of the 40 residents, who mostly have chronic diseases and dementia (80%), are geared towards the needs of the individual(s): the aim is to be able to create a vibrant living space for and with the residents which allows them to enjoy the normality and spontaneity of everyday life. This should promote the well-being of both residents and employees.
Pohvala žirije
Within the context of a large geriatric centre, a ward has been reorganised to ‘primary nursing’, to a homely atmosphere, so that procedures are geared towards the individual(s), that the hospital does not take priority, but rather ‘normal’ life. The health of the residents is improving, as demonstrated not least by all by the ongoing scientific evaluation, whilst employees’ absenteeism has reduced by 20%. Therefore, two more wards are being reorganised. A courageous and encouraging measure for elderly people. We hope that, in a few years’ time, all 9 wards will be geared towards ‘normal daily life’.