Slovenské vedkyne a vedci pôsobiaci v zahraničí predstavujú nevyužitý potenciál pre Slovensko. Chcú sa angažovať a pomáhať svojej krajine, ale nemajú informácie o potrebách a možnostiach. Žijem vedu už 6 rokov umožňuje zdieľanie ich skúseností z prestížnych pracovísk a prepája ich s domovom. Prináša online platformu, výročnú konferenciu, informácie o vedeckých úspechoch Slovákov vo svete aj doma, predstavuje naše vedkyne a vedcov verejnosti prostredníctvom spotov v Rádiu Slovensko. Je to nezisková iniciatíva samotných vedkýň a vedcov, ktoré/í na aktivitách samé/i participujú.
Prepájanie slovenských vedcov v zahraničí a doma
Vlastník projektu: Žijem vedu / I live Science
Zodpovedná osoba: Dominika Hroššová
Občianska spoločnosť / Sociálny podnik
Slovakia faces a significant brain drain, with up to 43% of highly educated individuals leaving the country. It is difficult to lure these expats back and harness their potential while their expertise and knowledge are lost to the country. Slovakia must develop a relationship with this community while they are abroad to engage and motivate them to help.
Connecting Slovak scientists abroad and at home fosters relationships, collaborations, and engagement opportunities. We partner with non-profit organisations, universities, and the Slovak Academy of Science. Our organisation also works with grant agencies, industry, media, policymakers, and Slovak embassies to collaborate internationally and share research.
The target group of Slovak scientists abroad operate the project and co-create its content. Over the last 7 years, new members consistently joined the team to showcase their work and seek advice and connections to collaborate with institutions in Slovakia.
Our conferences have attracted over 1,000 participants, a third of whom are based abroad. An additional 500 participants each year participated via online stream. By rotating the venue across different faculties and scientific institutions, we continuously engage new audiences and mediate interdisciplinary collaborations. The community is highly engaged and growing.
Our community’s engagement model can be transferred. Members contribute by co-creating content and implementing activities. Maintaining ties with the community and staying informed about opportunities to get involved is crucial. People should feel valued and recognised that their expertise is essential for the progress of their country or region.