Really Healthy School

Nositelj projekta: Skutečně zdravá škola, z.s.

Odgovorna osoba: Václavík, Tom


Nagrada u vrijednosti od 2000 eura


Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija

O čemu je riječ?

Skutečně zdravá škola is a civic initiative to improve the quality and sustainability of school meals and educate children about food with aim to increase the population’s health and develop local economies, sustainable forms of agriculture, and food distribution.

Ocjena žirija

As a framework, the programme sets goals and standards and at the same time addresses the specific individual framework conditions of each individual school. Each school has its own school blog. By means of a certification system, the participating schools are interconnected. Everyone is involved, within and beyond the school. Around the theme of healthy and environmentally conscious nutrition, simultaneous awareness-raising, school development, and strengthening of regional economic cycles take place. A successful combination. Simple, complex, and innovative in the process.