Philanthropists' Stock Exchange

Nositelj projekta: Coalition of NGOs of the Pardubice Region

Odgovorna osoba: Jana Machová


3. nagrada


Civilno društvo / Društvena ekonomija

O čemu je riječ?

The support of NGOs’ projects does not need to be done behind closed doors only. It is possible to be done the otherwise - openly, in front of an audience and a jury. Since 2012 this process became the reality. Philanthropists' Stock Exchange - a platform for a meeting of NGOs, entrepreneurs and state administration. Those, in the role of donors, can support the projects by financial and material means.

Ocjena žirija

Private enterprises, public administration and non-profit organisations meet to discuss social projects for the region, and more than anything to support them – be it financially or in the form of contributions in kind or services. An innovative but strict framework makes it possible that these different worlds not only meet, but that they get closer. From this, new possibilities arise. Local development by means of local cooperation in solving social problems is the optimum result that the Philanthropists’ Stock Exchange aims for. Transferring the project to other regions has already started …