In Austria, according to a Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection (BMASK) study, 42,700 children and adolescents (Øaged 12, ~70% girls) are caring for a chronically ill family member. ‘Superhands’ sets out to dispel the taboos surrounding this reality. Its first goal is that the concept of family member, be expanded to include this group, for example with regard to care case histories and discharge management. These children should also have a point of contact so they are at least able to discuss theirage-inappropriate responsibilities with someoneelse or have someone to whom they can address their questions, in an internet forum, by email or telephone.
Kdo stojí za projektem: Wien Gesundheits- und soziale Dienste mildtätige GmbH
Odpovědná osoba: Mag. Bettina Klinger
Občanská společnost / Sociální podnik
Sociální práce, Zdravotnictví
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